Pursuant to Article 49 of the Aviation Law ("Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia" No. 14/24) and Articles 7 and 9 of the Decree on the manner, detailed criteria for granting financial support for domestic and foreign air carriers, and documentation required to be submitted by the financial support beneficiaries ("Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia" No. 182/24), the Commission for implementation of the financial support granting procedure hereby publishes the following:
- 110.000.000,00 denars for 2025 year,
- 125.000.000,00 denars for 2026 year and
- 125.000.000,00 denars for 2027 year.
- to hold a valid AOC – Air Operator Certificate
- to have carried i.e., served at least five million passengers in 2023,
- to have made a profit of at least 10,000,000 (ten million) euros in 2023.
- operate each new awarded route launched from the Skopje International Airport and the Ohrid St. Paul the Apostle Airport, for the period for which the financial support is granted, at least twice a week in each of the IATA seasons, i.e. in line with the application submitted, according to a predetermined flight schedule, starting from its launch until the end of the period for which the financial support is granted, except for the week in which the New Year and the religious holidays of Catholic and Orthodox Christmas take place,
- develop a promotion and marketing plan, that may be subject to changes upon instructions of the financial support provider, and
- submit a Report on its operations to the Ministry of Transport every six months.
- period of operation of the destination.
- number of weekly flights.
- attractiveness of the airport, i.e., the airport with the higher number of passengers served in 2023, in accordance with the airport data available and
- number of seats offered for sale.
After ranking the new destinations, the Commission shall calculate the funds required for each new destination according to the estimated costs which the air carrier have specified in the Operational Plan submitted along with the Application, determine a ranking list of new destinations, and close the call.
- 9 euros in Denar equivalent at the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia on the day of invoicing, per arriving passenger, to the Skopje International Airport for the new destination, and
- 12 euros in Denar equivalent at the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia on the day of invoicing, per arriving passenger, to the Ohrid St. Paul the Apostle Airport for the new destination.
Open Call 2024 (4).docx
Application Documentation_06 09 2024 (1).docx
Ministry of Transport,
Plostad Crvena Skopska Opstina No. 4, 1000 Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia
Phone: +389 2 3145 592
E-mail: mtcfinancial.support@mtc.gov.mk
Website: www.mtc.gov.mk